
iOS 8.3 Jailbreak; Here Is What You Need To Know

iOS 8.three has but been released, and you're probably wondering what the bargain is in respect to its jailbreak potential. Here, nosotros'll be clarifying what's currently happening in the globe of jailbreaking, as well equally what you should and should non exercise if you would like to jailbreak in the about future.

iOS 8.iii Jailbreak Status Update

The first matter we must annotation most the latest software update, is that it at that place is currently no jailbreak. Apple has left the probability of an iOS 8.iii jailbreak looking very remote as well, thanks to the inclusion of 39 security bugs. That's a whole heap of bugs to squish in ane hit, by anybody'due south standards, and as jailbreak expert MuscleNerd points out via Twitter, it's almost as many as was served when Apple tree made the transition to iOS 8 from very last editions of iOS seven:

With MuscleNerd making it evidently clear that jailbreak fans should avert this update, nosotros cannot limited enough how important it is to stick with iOS 8.2 or ideally, iOS 8.1.2. Given that no jailbreak has been issued for iOS viii.2 besides the early betas, it has turned into quite an uphill battle, and at this moment, it's difficult to run across what's effectually the corner.

It seems likely, if not certain, that TaiG and co. will resume their efforts, and collude to break downwards the barriers Apple is creating. Since one of the security bugs mentioned in the iOS 8.3 changelog was originally discovered by TaiG, Apple has dealt a body accident to jailbreakers, merely it's a hit that we would wait the community to bounce dorsum from apace.

On a number of occasions over the years, jailbreaks have looked dead and buried courtesy of Apple'southward dedication to preventing them, just just as the doubts began to creep in, a Cydia-shaped rabbit was always pulled out of the lid.

For now, at that place are no promises, few clues as to progress, and certainly no ETA, but what you tin can practice is stick with whatever version of iOS you accept, so long as y'all don't movement upwardly to iOS viii.iii unless absolutely necessary. Should y'all decide to update, you might leave yourself out of contention for whatever possible untethered jailbreak, since iOS 8.two and below offer a potentially softer target that hackers may be able to sink their teeth into.

The path is not very clear, but as long as you stay prepared -- this includes downloading TinyUmbrella and getting into the habit of saving your SHSH blobs for future iOS downgrading opportunities -- then you'll be in the very all-time position to have advantage of anything that does make it.


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