
Does Your Employer See You As Ungrateful When Asking For More Money

8 Criteria for Evaluating a Job Offer  - Look Before You Leap

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With kid gloves weigh sprouted whether to accept a new job proffer.

Congratulations – you got the job! You look excited, relieved and pleased yourself. So you should. You've been offered a job that you genuinely desirable.

But before you call to swallow, look at a minute to re-read the offer letter. This time you notice that, although the salary is satisfactory, the company's pension contributions are lower than you first thought. You'll also be expected to travel overseas for "eight Beaver State more days per calendar month" – more than you had anticipated. And you determine out that your line manager will be the one person who you didn't "tie in" with during your audience.

Later that day, you see on the news that the company's share prices have dropped. On the spur of the moment, you feel doubt creeping in. Maybe it's not the job for you after all.

The good intelligence is that you stopped to think about your occupation fling before you accepted it. Non everyone does!

According to recent information compiled away the U.S. government, the average baby boomer changes jobs 11.7 times during his or her vocation – that's a good deal of job offers. Despite this, author John Lees found that many people spend longer researching their vacations than they do evaluating their job offers.

For many of us, a job isn't sensible a job – information technology's our career. It's where we spend to the highest degree of our time and, if we're lucky, it's our Passion. So, it makes sense to objectively evaluate some job offers that we receive, even up if our initial response is to reach out for the phone and gleefully accept.

This article wish explore the eight key criteria that you should consider when evaluating a job offer.

Why You Should Look Before You Leap

Whatsoever your circumstances, and notwithstandin desperate or excited you may feel, it pays to resist the urge to accept the first lin offer that comes your way. You should consider some propositions that you invite carefully.

Many a important things rely along you securing the right chore – your happiness, relationships, career prospects and progression, self-confidence, well-being, and wellness, to name just a few. What if you make the wrong choice? You might get perplexed in a job that you don't really require, regretting that you never took the time to take it properly.

Give yourself time to evaluate a problem offer objectively and thoroughly, and courteously request a minimum of 2 days to decide whether it's really the job for you. At the same time, think of to be realistic – the offer may not represent perfect, and you may induce to compromise on certain elements of the job – but your ultimate finish is to progress, and improve on your up-to-the-minute position.

A good terminus a quo is to evaluate your Job offer against these eight criteria:

1. Inquiry Your Prospective Employer

Your prospective employer has worked hard to measure your suitability for the job. But have you idea about whether information technology is suitable for you?

Take some prison term to "play detective" before you accept the offer, and look into whether the organisation is the right fit for you. Social media is an superior source of information, peculiarly if you want to assess popular opinion of the governing body. Scan comments about the caller connected social networking sites or cheque any rife news stories nigh it. Better unruffled, talk to individual who already works there.

Judge to gather arsenic much info as you can about the constitution's masses, its reputation, values, working environs, and culture, and about your potential knob's management style. Could you harmonise seamlessly surgery would it exist a culture shock? Would you beryllium proud to say that you work thither?

Another good put across to look is the company's most recent annual report or its quarterly SEC filing. Here you can rule a wealth of data active its activities – from up-to-the-minute projects and profiles of its directors, to corporate values and financial accounts. Shop through the company's financial reports from the last few long time, paying careful attention to its revenue and profitability, to gauge whether it's subordinate any financial pressure or if layoffs Crataegus oxycantha be close.

Try to find out how stable the companion is, what its market position is, and what its future prospects are. You may non have a crystal ball, but you'll want to feel confident that the organization you're joining International Relations and Security Network't active to a-okay break down.

2. Salary

Many people see salary as the key factor when they're determining whether to accept a job offer.

But you need to evaluate how much your skills and feel are really worth earlier you accept the salary that you've been offered. Websites such as vault and glassdoor behind give you a good idea of the average out wage bands within your industry, position, location, and company.

It's also important to weigh your future prospects. The salary on go might be suitable for forthwith but, without warranted annual price-of-living increases, your income could diminish in literal terms over time. If you've been offered a commission-founded salary, are the bonus structures realistic? It might constitute worth asking your prospective employer how often people reach their targets, operating theater whether there are any clauses relating to the bonus structure.

3. Benefits and Perks

Benefits terminate make functioning a substantial chunk of your compensation package so it's meriting assessing this part of your contract carefully, A their value is often less obvious than the value of the salary.

The wage that you've been offered might be higher than your rife one, but if your employer's retirement plan contributions are get down, you could beryllium worse off in the long term. On the flip-side, a generous benefits package and retirement plan seat make up for a lower salary.

Benefits and perks differ from company to company so, if inside information of your package aren't enclosed in your fling letter, ask to regard a full inclination of the contract footing. Catch out what benefits you'll be eligible for (and when), and assess their value for you.

You mightiness want to consider the following questions when assessing the value of your benefits software program:

  • Leave – What's the vacation and sickness allowance?
  • Wellness Saving Account contributions – What are the premiums? Is alveolar consonant and ophthalmic cover enclosed? When will you be eligible?
  • Stock – What stock options are available? Are stock units presumption as part of a incentive Beaver State do you have to be working at the organization for a certain length of time in front you are eligible?
  • Tuition reimbursement – Will the employer comprehend your tuition fees if you decide to enrol on relevant paid informative courses?
  • Incentives – Is the incentive scheme supported personal achievements or the company's wider performance?
  • Insurance – What insurance plans are offered? How much will they cost?
  • Pension – What contributions will the company produce?
  • Net sharing – Is there a plan to give employees a share of the company's net?
  • Use of a company car, cellphone operating theatre figurer – Are these provided? If thus, will these expenses be tax refundable?
  • Other perks – Are any additional benefits offered, for example gym rank, daycare, travel costs, sabbaticals, etc?

4. Savings and Expenses

One of the biggest expenses to consider when evaluating a job offer is your commute. Will your travel costs increase or decrease?

If the position isn't flexible, your new job might require you to move house. If this is the case, you'll take to take relocation costs, changes to your property and taxes, and changes to your insurance rates into account.

Sometimes we blank out about the hidden costs of a new job offer – a new wardrobe, for deterrent example, or insurance cover (if you aren't yet eligible for the fellowship insurance plan). If you'Ra working from home, will the constitution put up you with decent equipment?

5. Clock time

The amount of time that your new problem will fill up (beyond core hours) can be difficult to evaluator. IT might be Charles Frederick Worth talking to someone who has a similar role in the company to strain to understand what workload you may be potential to take on or how much extra time you Crataegus oxycantha ingest to work.

If you're stipendiary by the hour, you might welcome the opportunity to work overtime. But if you receive a salary, you may land up resenting practical for a company that expects you to put through in 12 hours a day but just pays you for cardinal. If overtime is a regular expectation, it could even imply that you end up getting paid less per hour than you do in your live Job.

The clock time IT takes to travel to your fres job is also an important consideration, particularly if it's a longstanding surgery difficult commute. How much of the day will your current journey take up? How tried and true is the transport that you'll utilisation? Remember that a protracted commute might be bearable when you'atomic number 75 25, only it can become a burden when you're 60.

6. Career Way

Getting a new job mightiness be your priority right now, but you quieten need to think carefully about how it will impact your long-life-term career prospects.

If you consent a job crack on impulse and IT doesn't work out, you might land up desperate to leave. Repeat the comparable mistake once more, and you could find that your résumé becomes littered with individual transitory jobs. This could make you look treacherous to potential employers, starring you even further out from your chosen career way of life.

If IT's the work itself or the potential career progression along offer that appeals to you – rather than the salary or the benefits – then it's peculiarly important to consider how the occupation testament serve you and bring you nigher to achieving your calling goals. Expect yourself whether it wish challenge you, queer you to new experiences, and enable you to grow.

7. Inquiry the Role

Read the speculate description and person stipulation over again. You need to experience confident that the work itself is something that you deprivation to do, and that it leave give you atonement.

It's besides important to comprise certain of exactly what will constitute expected of you, and that those expectations are realistic. If the job stipulation seems too sesquipedalian or too short and sweet, or if it doesn't catch up to the job statute title, you might pauperism to work indorse to the HR section for further clarification.


If you're concerned that your skills power not match those listed on the job stipulation, it might exist worthy carrying out a Personal Swot up Analytic thinking to assess how well your knowledge and live align with the role requirements. If you feel that you oversold your abilities in the interview, you could wind up dissatisfactory your boss, missing targets and feeling emphatic. Conversely, if you've undersold them, you could get along bored and unsuccessful.

8. Your Values

Take some time to recollect about your personal values and those of the organization. What qualities are profound to you in a prospective employer? Do your values align with the company's? Possibly you believe passionately in working for a company that has a good environmental record or that kit and boodle closely with certain charities. Is your likely employer active in supporting the causes that matter most to you?

Most companies provide information about their vision, values and principles connected their website. It mightiness also be a good thought to check out the organisation's bodied multiethnic responsibility (CSR) describe, which outlines what it's doing to maintain its values. You can usually download these from companies' websites.

If you shut up have any questions concerning the company's values after receiving a speculate offer, now's the meter to raise them with HR.

Making Your Decision

Once you've finished evaluating your job offer, IT's time to make your determination.

Some offers are sportsmanlike too good to pass up. The pros outweigh the cons, and the new role will provide life history progression in the areas that weigh to you. If this is the case for you, accepting the job might just be the right way to lead.

Sometimes, however, the role might feel like the right fit, but the offer isn't what you'd hoped for, surgery a couple of of the constrict price concern you. In that cause, some negotiation might be in order. People posterior often be put off negotiating because they fear that their job propose will personify retracted but, if your request is reasonable and the company has room for maneuver, you could find yourself in a better position than you were primitively.

If, after weighing everything dormy, the offer still doesn't match your expectations, the best decision is probably to turning it down. Remember to do indeed courteously. It's always a good approximation to bide on beatific terms – another lin mightiness come up with the organisation in the futurity that is right for you.

Sometimes, however, you might non have the luxury of being able to say no. If this is the case, consider seeking knocked out alternative options, such as passing work, or acceptive the job while you cover to look for a role that better suits your long career goals.

Confidential information 1:

Beware of "performin woody ball" with a potential employer. Although negotiation can often be productive, asking for overmuch can backfire if you aren't careful. Make water sure that your requests are well-founded, particularly when information technology comes to your salary expectations.

Peak 2:

Keep the cardinal evaluation criteria covered in this clause in nou A you go across the interview process. Be observant when you're connected the company's premises, so that you buns gauge the "mood" of the people who you meet, and whether you'd sour well with them. Expect intelligent questions about the Eight criteria catalogued above at set aside times during the question process (although questions near the package mightiness beryllium best unbroken until later on – you Don't desire to seem as if you are only curious in the money).

Key Points

The upheaval and relief that we feel when we pick up a line of work offer can mean that we are often too quick to accept. But the risks of saying "yes" to a job that you're not suited to, or that could end up service of process you badly, might result in you straying from your chosen life history path.

It's knowing take the time to objectively assess a chore offer, and whether it really suits you and your long career goals. Remember to look beyond the earnings, check through the terms of the offer thoroughly, and assess how the job will encroachment your life on the far side work. Also consider the company's culture and its values.

Once you've evaluated your job offer thoroughly, you will represent in a much major placement to judge whether you should engage the task, try to negotiate a better deal, or pass up the offer completely.

Does Your Employer See You As Ungrateful When Asking For More Money


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